

Ekaterina Christova joined our project at Echo English in Hangzhou in the summer of 2017. Please read on to view her feedback:


Please can you tell us about some of your most enjoyable moments of the trip?

Enjoyable moments from the Gotoco part of my trip would be doing things with my host family – I loved them and they were so welcoming and friendly, we had the best times.
Teaching at school was also enjoyable – meeting other staff members was great, and also the Gotoco group were awesome people.

Which were the highlights of the lessons, cultural excursions and outdoor activities?

Highlights of my teaching lessons were the games and also seeing that the kids understood and could use the language. Highlights of the mandarin lessons would be learning the new vocab and laughing a lot with the class.
Highlights of the cultural excursions – my family took me to Tong Lu and we stayed the weekend which was great. We went swimming in a river!
We also went to a soft play centre which was actually loads of fun even though i was way too big for it!

How would you say the overall experience has benefited you?

I learned more about Chinese culture, made some great friends and got to experience a new potential career path.

What was the best thing about your experience in China?

Seeing loads of new places and trying new things.

Would you recommend participating to a friend and if so why?

Yes, it’s a very good program. China is a great country. You really have nothing to lose by trying it.